Super you Super Me – EYFS
we have a range 7 of 30-45 minute workshops to engage early years children in a fun informative way about disabilities and community values. Each covers a different type of impairment in a gentle way delivered by our experienced facilitators. Please contact us to discuss options and prices
Sign Language – EYFS
Similar to our baby signing sessions we can deliver 30-minute or 45-minute sessions based on a story with nursery rhymes to suit the theme of the session. Themes/books can be tailored to tie in with your setting’s usual themes if required. These sessions can be booked as a half-term or termly booking or as a one-off session. An excellent way to introduce signing to your children.
Introducing Signing into your Early Years Setting
Are you a childminder or other Early Years practitioner? Would you like to encourage signing in your setting but are unsure of how to? This 2-hour workshop will give you the knowledge to understand the principles of signing, how signing supports language development, ideas on how to develop signing as well as finding out about some amazing resources that are available.
EYFS – Themes workshops ( Introducing Signing is required for this )
these workshops are an hour long and are to build their vocabulary of signs to support your topics and themes in your setting. Using simple songs as well as the signs, we can ensure you are ready to sign for your topic. Please note that these theme workshops are only open to practitioners who have attended one of our sign workshops or courses please contact us for further details
Signed Story Time
Storytime is such an important time for children. invis-Ability love to share our stories and other much-loved favourites in sign. Sign brings extra depth to stories, bringing them to life. A perfect addition to any children’s event or as a special story-time in your setting.

Online story-time sessions – Coming soon