Our disability hub is kindly sponsored by the ALF Foundation.
The invis-Ability disability hub is a monthly meeting to enable disabled people, their carers, families and supporters to be able to meet in person with others who understand their frustrations and difficulties without judgement.
We have regular contact with Herts police disability hate crimes officer to keep us informed of current initiatives and for personal chats if required.
All ages are welcome as we support each other through finding our way through life’s obstacles – or just chat about last night’s T.V.
We meet on the 3rd Friday of the month at Great Ashby Community Centre.
9.45 – 11.45am
Dates for 2022
17th June
15th July
19th August
16th September
21st October
18th November
16th December
Access: We are in hall 3 (the old circles cafe) with our own door into the room from the outside (entrance near the post box). Flat access and tea/coffee facilities in the hall. There are 2 disabled toilets. Disabled parking is limited.