Books by authors with superpowers

*All resources have a delivery charge of £2.50 per order if ordered from invis-Ability CIC, Amazon may have different charges

Sue Johnson-Searle (Sue Searle)

Sue is a disabled parent based in Stevenage. Sue has written 3 ‘sign and rhyme adventures’ – children’s stories written to be signed and won a Teach Early Years Award 2018 for her book At The Bottom Of My Garden with the Little Signer Team.  Sue is a member of our own invis-Ability team.  As well as writing books, Sue also works as a tutor.

Our farmyard friends, £7.49 * click to buy from Amazon (we hold a very small stock please ask)
At the bottom of my garden, £7.49 * click to buy from Amazon (we hold a very small stock please ask)
Out of my window, £7.49 * click to buy from Amazon (we hold a very small stock please ask)

Dave Blackwell

Dave is a fantastic deaf author based in Kent.  When he is not writing, he works for the NHS.  He currently has 14 books available on Amazon with more coming soon.  We enjoyed his frank and humorous but often poignant window into his life as a deaf person.

The Frustrations of Being Deaf, £4.49 * click buy from Amazon above
The Frustrations of Being Deaf Part 2, £4.49 * click buy from Amazon above
*LATEST RELEASE* Deaf Like Me, £5.99 * click buy from Amazon above