invis-Ability CIC are in a unique position to be able to help you understand the needs of disabled people and adjustments that are needed in the real world.
Most companies have a tick box of requirements that disabled people need. At invis-Ability we are the users and have found that most adjustments that have been made either are placed wrongly or are just ticking the boxes and don’t fix the issue.
If requested we can visit your premises and audit it in line with government guidelines, we cannot advise if adaptations will protect you against any claims of discrimination but we are best placed to help limit and show that you have complied in the best way possible to minimise any difficulties people may encounter.
We do this because we are disabled people. invis-Ability is and will always be run by disabled people, their families, and carers, with this in mind we are able to work with you to find the best course of action at minimal costs to your business. We are able to visit premises and look at your premises and help you determine your best course of action.
Our lead auditor is a wheelchair user and has a background in health and safety, they are well versed in current DDA legislation, access regulations, and reasonable adjustment.